Published by news@presspubli... on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 4:00pm
Retired teachers
to meet Oct. 24
The Ottawa County Retired teachers will have their next meeting Thursday, Oct. 24 at noon at the Oak Harbor American Legion, 221 W Park St.
In a bipartisan move, the Ohio House of Representatives unanimously passed legislation to help the state confront the sweeping economic and social impact of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
Oregon City Council on Monday voted for Maumee Mayor Rich Carr to represent the city on a 911 planning committee. As a possible designee on the committee, he is expected to vote against the Lucas County Board of Commissioners’ plan to merge and consolidate 911 operations.
Published by keng@presspubli... on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 10:29am
Supporters of President Trump braved the rain and gathered for a pop-up rally as the Trump Unity Bridge float made a stop along Navarre Avenue, Oregon. The float then proceeded to Mansfield, Ohio. (Press photo by Ken Grosjean)
Published by keng@presspubli... on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 10:24am
The Clay High School Limelighters will present the musical "The Addams Family." Performances will be October 26, 31 and November 2 at 7:00 p.m. and October 27 at 3:00 p.m.
Oregon will host an open house public meeting to present information and solicit public comment on alternatives for the proposed Coy Road/Navarre Avenue Intersection Safety Improvement Project.
Oregon will host an open house public meeting to present information and solicit public comment on alternatives for the proposed Coy Road/Navarre Avenue Intersection Safety Improvement Project.
Oregon City Council on Sept. 23 approved a zoning change request to allow for the stabling and pasturing of two horses, one pony, or a donkey on 1261 S. Stadium Road.