Oregon City Council recently accepted the bid of Geddis Paving & Excavating, Inc., Toledo, to be the contractor for the Urban Runoff Capture and Otter Creek Restorations Project.
Oregon seeks funding to extend bikeway path Oregon will submit an application with the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) for funding for the Oregon Trail Bikeway – Phase 4 project.
Oregon’s Harmful Algal Bloom infrastructure improvement project was completed last year. It ensures that microcystin, a toxin released from Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs), does not get into the water supply.
Oregon plans a public meeting soon to address concerns by food truck vendors that they are not free to locate where they want in the city unless it’s at a special event.
Oregon City Council on Monday extended an agreement with the Board of Lucas County Commissioners and the Correctional Treatment Facility for the Regional Addiction Program.