Zale, Hornyak, Pollauf, and Dabish win in Oregon

Kelly J. Kaczala

        Oregon City Council incumbents Timothy Zale, Steve Hornyak and Kathleen Pollauf were handily re-elected to four year terms, according to unofficial results from the Lucas County Board of Elections.
        Zale was the top vote getter, getting 1,823 votes, or 25.65 percent. Hornyak came in second at 1,794 votes or 25.24 percent. Pollauf came in third at 1,793 votes, or 25.23 percent, just one vote less than Hornyak.
        Marvin Dabish, who has been on council before, won the fourth seat that was up for grabs after Councilwoman Sandy Bihn was disqualified due to an error on her candidate petitions. Dabish won 1,355 voters, or 19.07 percent. Write-in candidate Steve Salander received 342 votes, or 4.81 percent.
        Zale, a retired Oregon police officer, credited his win to always making sure that city services meet the needs of the public and the fact there have been few divisions on council.
        “The biggest thing for me on council is to maintain city services. Make them even better. That’s the biggest thing I want to do with our tax dollars: Make sure that our city services are maintained and we make things better,” he said.
        “The council we currently have has done an excellent job moving the city forward,” he added. “We’re in a good position. I think we’re moving in a very good direction right now. We’re very solid doing annual upgrades to our roads, our waterlines, sewer relining - things of that nature. We keep up with city services. I don’t know how anyone could be unhappy with what council has done in the past four years that I know of.”
        He also credits council for working together on issues over the years.
        “I think we’ve all worked very well together. So by the time our actual council meeting day comes up, we’re in agreement,” he said.
        Pollauf credits her win to being involved in the community.
        “I work hard,” she said. “I try my best to get questions answered. I work very hard with department heads to get what’s best for the citizens.”
        She suited up in turnout gear with the fire department and put out a car fire to learn more about the need for equipment upgrades. She’s gone into the bowels of the wastewater treatment plant to learn about how the plant processes waste.
        “I went 42-45 feet underground at the wastewater treatment plant to see what was going in and going out. As chairman of the Water and Sewer Committee, I thought I better know what I’m talking about. You have to be in touch with the people. You have to be able to answer their questions and find the answers within the city,” said Pollauf, who owns a massage therapy business.  “I’ll keep running as long as I’m effective. But the minute I’m no longer effective, and all my work is done, I’m not going to keep running for re-election.”
        Dabish and Hornyak could not be reached for comment.
        Hornyak works as the Entrance Division Manager at Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope in Perrysburg. He was a school board member in Oregon, and is a volunteer coach and umpire in Northwest Ohio. He has been a business owner in Oregon for over 20 years. He is chairman of the Economic Development & Planning Committee and serves on both the Recreation and Parks Committee and the Drainage, Roads, Building & Lands Committee.
        Dabish, a businessman, took a seat on council in 2013 to fill the council seat of former Councilman Mike Sheehy.
        Sheehy vacated his seat to take the seat of former State Rep. Matt Szollosi in the Ohio Legislature.
        The city charter dictates the process of filling a vacant council seat. According to the city charter, the person who received the next highest amount of votes at the last council election gets to fill the seat. When all seven seats of council were up for election in 2011, Dabish finished eighth.
        Dabish, who is also a grocer, has owned several sweepstakes cafes in Oregon, Toledo, Fremont, Fostoria, and Findlay, as well as in communities in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia.
        In internet “sweepstakes” cafes, patrons purchase pre-paid phone cards with internet minutes to use for gaming on computer terminals.


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