YMCA of Sandusky Co. to open new child development center
The YMCA of Sandusky County announced the opening of its second Child Development Center which will be located inside Hayes Memorial United Methodist Church at 1441 Fangboner Rd., Fremont.
For over 40 years, the YMCA of Sandusky County has been providing kindergarten readiness at its current five-star rated site at the Y In addition to preschool, the current site offers before- and after-school care and summer childcare. The new center will allow the YMCA to serve 30 additional children, expanding services to serve kids 2-1/2 years of age and up who are not already potty trained.
According to the Ohio Department of Commerce, 50% of small businesses report that reliable childcare is an issue limiting their workforce. Further, the US Department of Commerce reports that 60% of parents leave the workforce due to inadequate childcare options. Additionally, childcare can account for over 40% of a family's income, placing an immense financial burden on growing families and single-parent households.
“The YMCA of Sandusky County is uniquely positioned to address this pressing need for the Sandusky County Community,” said YMCA of Sandusky County CEO Jeremiah Wagner. “We currently provide financial support to nearly 1,500 individuals, removing barriers to Y memberships and programming such as child care. We are proud to be able to provide affordable and high-quality childcare options to area parents.”
Work on the new site is wrapping up in the new classrooms at Hayes Memorial United Methodist Church; including paint, flooring, furniture and play-based learning stations. The center is currently slated to open in late summer, lining up with the start of the 2024-2025 school year. Additional expansions of YMCA childcare, specifically infant care, are planned.
“We are excited about this new partnership with the YMCA of Sandusky County. We see this as an opportunity to be a part of the solution to a problem that so many families in our community face today,” said Andrea Thurston, pastor at Hayes Memorial United Methodist Church.
To learn more about the new center or to begin the enrollment process, contact the YMCA Child Development Center at 419-332-9622.