SWCD fish sale
Staff Writer
The Ottawa Soil and Water Conservation District is again holding a fish sale.
Orders will be accepted until Oct. 4. Fender’s Fish Hatchery will bring a tank truck, with aerator, on Oct. 12 from 1-3 p.m. to the SWCD office to distribute the orders.
Customers can order online at ottawaswcd.com.
Individuals who order fish will be notified, reminding them of the pick-up time and date. Those who order will need to bring a container, filled with pond water. A trash container (with a plastic trash liner) serves as an ideal container. A 5-10 gallon (clean) can is adequate for 100 fish.
For more information or an order form call 419-898-1595 or email becky.simpson@ottawaswcd.com.