Recognition effort for Purple Heart vets continues

Larry Limpf

News Editor

A member of the board of directors of the Ottawa County Museum is conducting research, including gathering information and photographs, for a history book about Purple Heart medal recipients from the county.
David Barth said the book will be updated twice a year in August and February and he is asking medal recipients or family members of deceased recipients to provide information for the book. He said he will provide a registry form that must be completed for entries in the book.
Barth can be contacted via email at or by calling 419-357-2057.
Earlier this year, the museum hosted its first national Purple Heart Day recognition ceremony that honored 35 Purple Heart medal recipients or their family members. The recipients and families completed the Purple Heart Registry form from the museum and the registry information has been compiled into a book titled: “Ottawa County’s heroes: The stories of the life and service of those with ties to Ottawa County, who were recipients of the Purple Heart Medal.”
Barth said the reference book is available for viewing at each library in the county, the Ottawa County Veteran Services Department, and the county museum.
“In the first group there were about 16 current veterans who registered and the balance was family members of deceased veterans,” he said. “We’ll update it twice a year but we’ll present all the names at the annual Purple Heart Day event.”
The medal is awarded to members of the armed forces wounded in combat with an enemy force posthumously to next of kin of those killed in combat.
The Ottawa County Museum was designated a Purple Heart Trail Museum last January and is one of 15 museums in the country with the designation. The trail originates at a monument in Mt. Vernon, Va. near the burial site of George Washington.
Museums so designated are required to:
-Develop a database of medal recipients.
-Recognize Aug. 7 at National Purple Heart Day by holding a ceremony to honor recipients.
-Create a display in the museum.
The Order of the Purple Heart for Military Merit was established by Gen. George Washington during the Revolutionary War. The Military Order of the Purple Heart began in 1932 and was chartered by Congress in 1958.
The Ottawa County Museum is located at 126 W. Third St., Port Clinton.


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