Open house, ribbon-cutting set for new recovery house

Press Staff Writer

        Light House Sober Living, (LHSL) a nonprofit that operates structured housing for people recovering from substance use disorders, will hold an open house Thursday, June 27 from 3-5 p.m. for its new Level 1 recovery house at 507 Fulton St., Port Clinton. A ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place at 3:30 p.m.
        The community is invited to attend and tour the new home, which will be named Harley’s House, in memory of 14-year old Harley Dilly, who tragically and accidentally passed away in 2019.
        The name was chosen to honor Dilly’s love for life and vibrant spirit.
        Kenn Bower, executive director at LHSL, reflected that there was little debate when the board was discussing what to call the house.
        “Grief is a long process and we wanted to make sure that Harley’s life is memorialized, allowing the community to continue to celebrate his life and focus on love,” Bower said.
        Harley’s House sits across from the current men’s Level 2 house. This new home, renovated last year, will be a Level 1 recovery house, which is the least restrictive category for recovery homes. The house will become home to men who have successfully navigated recovery but are still working through practical challenges to complete independence.
        “This is the next step for the men in our current house who have benefited from the services provided to take that next step toward independence, “ Bower said. “We want to be able to keep these hard working guys in the community that they call home, providing affordable housing, which we know is a challenge we are all facing now.”
        Since opening their doors in 2015, LHSL has served more than 125 men and 50 women at its two recovery homes. The mission of LHSL is to provide the community with a safe and secure home of hope, healing and life for all persons of Ottawa County in recovery. The vision of LHSL is to strive to create productive and engaged individuals to return to the community and live as upstanding citizens.
        For more information on Light House Sober Living, visit


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