Lucas SWCD announces award winners Week of 11/30/2020
The Lucas Soil and Water Conservation District has announced the 2020 Conservation Award winners.
The 2020 Outstanding Conservation Educator of the Year is Robin Sneed, a fourth-grade teacher at Jerusalem Elementary School. Robin is an education partner with the Lucas SWCD and has invited SWCD personnel to her classroom many times to bring programs, like the Streamulator, Enviroscape, and Worms’ World to her students.
Robin is also a collaborator on the Oregon Clay—Lucas SWCD Ohio Environmental Education Fund grant for a Virtual Reality Sandbox. She has been a teacher for 28 years, in both Oregon City Schools and Toledo Public Schools.
Throughout her teaching career, Robin has actively sought to provide hands-on earth science and conservation learning opportunities for her students and their families. A sampling of these experiences include: Clean Water Project, Solar Education, Toledo Zoo education programs, Ohio State’s Stone Lab, Lucas SWCD programs, Fossil Park Project, PiR2 Science Education program, Project Wild, and the Metroparks Toledo Meadow Program.
Additionally, Robin regularly participates in professional development courses and projects including Wright State University Geological courses, acts as a collaborator in her school’s STEAM day, and working with scientists at the Ohio History Connection. Her passion for earth sciences and conservation is rooted in her commitment to her students and a strong appreciation for history and the stewardship of natural resources.
The 2020 Outstanding Cooperator of the Year is the Lucas County Agricultural Society. Every spring, the Lucas SWCD holds the annual Tree and Garden Sale pick-up and Native Plant Sale at the SWCD office. This year, with contact-restrictions due to Covid-19, the WCD is looking for a safer alternative for customers.
The Lucas County Agricultural Society offered to not only store all the trees, native plants and shrubs, composters, rain barrels, cover crops, and other items, but it allowed the SWCD to hold drive-through pick-ups for our customers at the Lucas County Fairgrounds. Shane Warner is the president of the agriculture society, and Erin Nietz is the secretary.