Letters To The Editor: Week of 9/6/2021
Vaccine questions
To the editor: Wasn’t the COVID19 vaccine supposed to be kept cold and have a shelf life of about three to four months?
Who is keeping track of these millions of vials to ensure that they are fresh and safe or use?
Remember that these vaccines are available in hundreds of locations. Who’s watching? One can obtain these vaccinations at doctor’s offices, hospitals, urgent care centers, drug stores, supermarket pharmacies, schools and sporting events.
Huge profits for the pharmaceutical companies are being made.
Normally, it takes about two years for a new drug to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Does that tell you something is not kosher?
Well the big boys in charge have always found a good reason, like it’s a new strain and they’ll come up with a new shot for you. We may have a new shot every six months.
The rich get richer and the poor pay the bills.
I’ve got to run. My barber just called and said my shot just came in.
Larry Erard