Letters To The Editor Week of 8/16/2021

Press Readers

Viral questions
To the editor: It has been common knowledge for years that all major developing countries have possessed the ability to conduct germ warfare. The Wuhan crisis is no exception.
Was a virus created in the lab and deliberately leaked into the local wet markets for experimentation on the people of Wuhan?
This is totally consistent with China's poor record on civil rights and its complete lack of concern for all of the Chinese people.
The virus created in Wuhan is by no means a poor reflection on all Asians especially Asian-Americans. It is simply a reaffirmation of the Communist Chinese government's unconscionable disdain for human life. They are to blame.
Now we the American people will soon be required by our government to get the vaccine without being told what are the short/long term side effects. This is inherently a violation of our civil rights since the vaccine has never been approved by the Food & Drug Administration.
The one benefactor from the spread of the virus is the environment. Consider how working from home reduces the amount of carbon emissions caused by the automobile. Why aren't the Biden Administration and various environmental groups encouraging this?
Joe Bialek

Keep R-2 zoning
To the editor: As reported in The Press, the Elmore Planning Commission recently voted 3-2 to forward a proposal to rezone farm property on Dischinger Road from R-2 to R-3 on to village council for consideration.
The mayor pointed out that the planning commission held a public hearing as required when a zoning change is proposed. Unfortunately, he failed to point out that the planning commission voted to send the proposal to council after many residents voiced opposition to the rezoning at the hearing. About 50-75 village and township residents attended the hearing and several spoke in opposition to changing the current zoning to multi-family.
In addition, contingent property owners received notification to submit their comments in writing. Every letter read voiced opposition to rezoning.
This property is annexed and is contiguous to the village only by the bike trail. At this time, all other property surrounding this parcel is not within the village. It will be difficult and expensive to provide the infrastructure necessary for services needed to support multi-family dwellings as it also involves crossing a creek.
Village council will hold a public hearing before it votes on the proposal. The hearing is scheduled for Sept. 7 at 7 p.m. at the Elmore Community Center. I do not feel that multi-family dwellings on a 52-acre parcel are in the best interest of the village or the school district. I encourage council to grow our village with single-family and two-family dwellings and keep the current zoning R-2.
Becky Busdeker


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