Letters to the Editor Week of 3/30/20

Press readers

Water, sewer
services flowing
To the editor: The Northwestern Water and Sewer District is committed to keeping water and sewer services flowing to and from homes 24/7/365.
We are prepared to provide safe, clean water and sewer services throughout the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
First and foremost, your water is safe to drink. COVID-19 is not impacting our water supply. According to the World Health Organization, Center for Disease Control, and Water Environment Federation, there is no evidence that COVID-19 is present in or is being transmitted by drinking water supplies.
Our crews are focused on keeping safe, clean water flowing to homes and providing essential sewer services throughout this emergency. We have protective measures in place to protect our operators, including individual staffing at our water and sewer plants, staggered shifts, remote working arrangements and social distancing. We are currently implementing portions of our contingency plan and will continue to adapt to ensure operations continue throughout this crisis.
To help customers facing financial difficulties, we have suspended all service shutoffs for past-due accounts. If you have trouble paying your bill, we are willing to work with you. Please contact our customer service office to make payment arrangements. Our customer service staff is available during regular business hours Monday through Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Our office remains closed to the public until further notice, so please call 419-354-9090 and select option 2 for assistance. Our online billing system as well as the automated phone payment system is available for electronic payment via credit card or electronic check 24/7/365 at nwwsd.org.
If you experience a water or sewer emergency or service disruption and need to reach us after hours, please call your county sheriff’s office:
• Wood County, 419-354-9001, choose option 9;
• Hancock County, 419-422-2424 (McComb);
• Henry County, 419-592-8010.
A dispatcher will notify The District’s on-duty personnel.
Finally, with the demand for toilet paper and the increase in sales of disinfecting wipes, we remind our customers to not flush disposable or disinfecting wipes, paper towels, tissues or napkins down the toilet. Instead, please toss them in the garbage. Flushing these items could cause you costly plumbing issues during a crisis. Only flush toilet paper.
This emergency is unfolding, with new information changing constantly. Please remain informed to keep yourself and your family safe during this time.
Visit nwwsd.org/coronavirus for factual information regarding water and sewer services.
Jerry Greiner
President, Northwestern Water and Sewer District


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