Letters To The Editor Week Of 11/14/2022
All vets deserve
our gratitude
To the editor: Recently I saw a television news story about Honor Flight in which local veterans are flown from Toledo to Washington, D.C. to visit the various war memorials. This one was a special one that flew only veterans from the Vietnam War.
It was heartbreaking to hear these veterans recount how terribly they were treated when they returned home from their tours of duty. Instead of being treated like the heroes they were, they were called murderers and other vicious names by those who were against the war.
I have a friend who used to be the police chief in the Wyandot County town of Sycamore. He was in the Marines and fought in Vietnam and earned a Purple Heart for being injured in combat there.
These veterans risked their lives the same way veterans from other wars did. Some of their fellow veterans did not make it home alive, the same as veterans of other wars. Just because Vietnam was an unpopular war does not make their sacrifices, and the sacrifices of their families, any less heroic.
I hope we never get involved in another war that is as unpopular with the citizens as the war in Vietnam, but let’s learn our lesson. The men and women in our armed forces and their families always deserve our thanks and praise.
Ron Craig
Lake Township