Letters to the Editor Week of 10/12/20
Library an asset
To the editor: The Wood County Public District Library deserves your vote to renew the current levy. They provide library services in Bowling Green, Walbridge, the bookmobile and the county jail library.
They also have virtual services with eBooks and digital content.
I live in the pleasant town of Walbridge in the north end of the county. We never had our own library until 1987, when the district library opened a branch in the village.
In 2017, they expanded the building to serve all of northeastern Wood County. They came into this small town, built an attractive facility and our town hasn’t been the same since.
We use it because it’s convenient to borrow books and media materials. We work on the computers, printers, and a 3-D printer is available for special school projects. There is a large practical meeting room for various needs. Our seniors often use the library for social gatherings. Our children have a marvelous are to use with the story times and fun projects.
Items borrowed in the Walbridge branch went up 63 percent from 2010 to 2019, showing how much we use it.
I’m sure the other libraries in the county are appreciated just as much. Let’s vote together to renew the ongoing levy and keep our outstanding library services.
Marilyn Baker