Letters To The Editor
Pope out of
his lane
To the editor: I respect the pope when it comes to dogmas of faith. But when it comes to politics, this is not his area of expertise. Of course he can have his opinion.
When asked about his thoughts of the presidential election in America he stated that it is between the lesser of two evils.
One of these evils is the allowing of legal abortion which Kamala Harris supports. Protecting the unborn was stated by Pope John Paul as the cornerstone of all justice issues. The other, according to Pope Francis, is keeping illegals from entering our country. Why is this evil?
It is the government's duty to stop illegals from entering our country. There is no way to vet them and keep our citizens as secure as possible. We have laws that dictate this responsibility.
He should be more concerned about souls. And, for the reasons aforementioned, he should not judge keeping out illegals as evil. And, that's in the gospel: "Do not judge and you shall not be judged."
Steve Cherry
Millbury fest
To the editor: Kudos to those who organized Millbury's 150 year celebration. I am sure that a lot of planning went into having it come together.
The pancake breakfast was good and very reasonably priced. A marching band (Lake High School) would have added to the parade.
However, it was totally out of place to bring a political booth into the festival. Regardless of which side of the political spectrum you stand on, politics are divisive. The purpose of the festival was to bring the community together to celebrate Millbury's 150 years of existence.
Marilyn Sullwold
Sad state
of affairs
To the editor: It’s a very sad state of affairs when the main issue of a presidential election in a free country like America is whether or not a mother can kill her children.
May God forgive us.
Mary Jo Thieman Bosch
Great day for
To the editor: On behalf of Millbury, I would like to thank all involved in our celebration of the village’s 150th year.
This starts with village council, especially council member Kurt Schwamberger, who took over the leadership of the meetings.
We wanted a celebration that was for the community and put on by the community. I would like to thank all those who helped: the Millbury Fire Hall, St. Paul’s United Methodist Church and St. Peter’s UCC, Friends of Millbury, Lake school organizations, Lake Township trustees, police and fire, the scouts, Northwest Ohio Street Machiners, the softball association, and all who participated in the parade.
Thanks also for the musicians, vendors, food trucks and especially the community who supported everyone.
It was a wonderful day.
Michael Timmons
Mayor of Millbury