Letters To The Editor
Police body
cameras a must
To the editor: Justice or just us? It seems to be the latter after you have been put through the judicial wringer.
I’m now in prison because cops without body cameras arrested me for something I didn’t say.
An incomplete police report full of lies and twisted truths started the snowball rolling down hill, getting larger all the way.
There should be body cameras on all cops simply because the police don’t police themselves. This is understandable. Would you turn in your co-worker for doing something wrong? Probably not. Only eight states have mandates requiring police to wear body cameras and Ohio is not one of them. I’m trying to change that.
I’ve called Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur’s office more than a dozen times and have received only two form letters.
I simply want legislation that all police must wear body cameras. Every police officer I have spoken to agrees they protect them as well as citizens. Even officers in small towns like Gibsonburg wear body cameras.
Since being arrested, I was attacked by three different people all in front of security cameras and witnesses yet no one was arrested or charged.
So call your representatives and demand that all police wear cameras and everything said ends up in the report.
In prison, all correction officers wear cameras. So, in reality, Ohio prison inmates are better protected than the general public.
Timothy Coon
Oak Harbor
Editor’s note: Mr. Coon contends he was wrongly arrested by Lake Township police in a domestic violence case.
Debate was
just a farce
To the editor: On the evening of Sept. 9, what was supposed to be a debate between the Democratic and Republican candidates for our next president was aired. I say supposed to be because there was such a lack of actual substance or backup for anything either of the candidates said that this "debate" came down to being nothing but a "he said, she said" mudslinging contest. Even the moderators went outside the job of moderating.
Moderators are to do just that, moderate. Both of these moderators felt the need to correct statements made by one of the candidates. In doing so they each showed their bias when it came to the candidates.
According to vocabulary.com, “A debate moderator has an important job, asking questions, maintaining order, and cutting off speakers when they're officially run out of time for a response." The moderator's job does not include correcting (in their opinion) anything said by the debaters.
This "debate" was to let us, the voters, know where each of the candidates stand on the issues. This is so that when it comes time to vote we, the voters, would have some knowledge of where each candidate stands so we can make an intelligent decision. Knowledge was not gained in this farce of a debate.
Joann Goetz