Letters To The Editor

Press Readers

Library merits
levy support
To the editor: On Nov. 5, the residents of the Eastwood School District will be asked to support the Pemberville Public Library and its branches in Luckey and Stony Ridge by voting for a 5-year, 0.8-mill replacement operating levy.
The millage has remained the same since the original levy in 2014, but this time it will be based on current property values, not those of 2014.
Passage of the levy will allow the library to continue current programming, services and the statewide delivery of books and other materials. The library will also be able to continue to improve its collections and improve its physical spaces.
Since the last levy renewal in 2019, the Pemberville Public Library established a new building for the Luckey Branch which includes a MakerSpace and recording facility.
Programming for all ages includes Next Chapter Book Club, Summer Reading Programs, Story
Times, Cemetery Walks, Book Buddies, Relatively Speaking and more! The library has purchased new and additional Hotspots to provide more internet accessibility, and has increased purchasing of digital materials that can be accessed through the SEO (Serving Every Ohioan) Libraries and the Libby App (a free app where you can enjoy eBooks, digital audio books, and magazines from your public library).
Please join me and the members of the Pemberville Public Library Board of Trustees by voting yes in support of your public library.
John C Selzer
President of the Pemberville Public Library Board
of Trustees

Why now?
To the editor: Growing up I was taught to study well and to be fully informed so that I could make the best possible decisions that would impact me, my family, and my community. Most importantly, would my decisions honor the Lord?
We have not yet heard direct policy directions of this current Democratic candidate running for the highest position in our nation. You would think if you had great news as to how you envisioned the direction of our nation based on your new policies you would not hide from questions but welcome
them. She has clearly turned around on the border wall, funding police, fracking, and no taxes on tips.
What else will Kamala say to get a vote? And why now? Why did she not agree to these policy ideas and act on them for the last 3 1/2 years?
According to recent articles in Forbes.com and nytimes.com, and research at wharton.upenn.edu:
- She is proposing $5 trillion in new taxes.
- She wants to hike taxes on small businesses to 39.6 percent. Hike taxes on capital gains and dividends to a top rate of 44.6 percent. All of this is the highest in history.
- She wants to hike the corporate rate by a third to 28 percent.
We would no longer be the best place in the world to do business and this awful decision only incentivizes companies to leave our country to save and make more money.
She and President Biden could not even acknowledge by name the 13 fallen heroes of Afghanistan. And to top it all, she has not even visited the border on her campaign trail. Why?
This is no longer a laughing and hackling moment in time. Our country is at a crossroad morally, spiritually, and emotionally.
Donald Trump is not a perfect person but his policies had down home impact on prices, border security, and our standing in the world.
If Kamala Harris wants to be our nation’s leader she must stop hiding from the tough questions.
Shirley Braatz


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