Letters To The Editor

Press Readers

Recycling woes
To the editor: We try very hard to keep our recycling separated. So much so that we match our recycling containers to the containers that are provided.
However, there are people who just don’t seem to care. I was recently at the Oregon municipal recycling center, The paper recycling container is clearly marked but I found plastic bottles, metal cans, aluminum foil, and other non-paper items in it.
It really makes me wonder why I take the time to separate the recyclables. What is wrong with people? In order for recycling to work we all have to do our part. Just like stop signs, if we ignore the signs all of us will eventually get hurt.
I guess I’ll just start putting all of my recyclables in the trash. I mean what’s the point? It’s typical where a few morons spoil it for the rest of us trying to do the right thing.
Jerry Toth

Trump a danger
To the editor: Donald Trump is the most dangerous man in America. He should have never been the president the first time.
I am over 70 years old. I was a Republican for more than 40 years. I know a few people in Washington, D.C. I am now an Independent.
Let’s get to the real facts, not fake news or fiction. Donald Trump is a con man, coward, and a big mouth bully. He has brain washed millions of people in this great country.
The Republican Party has tried to control him and tell him to stop calling people names and everything else he has done to divide our country.
From what I am hearing, Trump will never be president again. He is losing it more and more every day. He will lose the election by at least 15- 20 percent.
The Republican Party has tried to help him. They think that is the only way to win. Joe Biden has some issues and that is why he stepped down as the nominee. Now we have a woman as the presidential nominee and a man running for vice president. Maybe that is what we need to straighten out our country.
She is doing very well in the last several weeks. A lot of people in Washington, not just Democrats, but also Republicans stand behind her. We all need to get behind her, especially the middle class and poor. She might be able to fix some things and get things done that the men could not get done for the last 20 years, especially Donald Trump, who only cares about himself. He is a very insecure person. He divides our country and caused a riot on Jan. 6th to try to overturn our government.
He should not even be running for president. He is trying to help the wealthy people and does not care about the middle class or the poor.
Our country has been great for more than 200 years. All Donald Trump has done and the Republican Party that went along with him has helped divide our great country.
When he loses in November he will say the election was rigged and this will start all over again.
Listen to CNN, MSNBC or the local channels, so you can hear the truth. Fox News tells lies and has been sued for telling lies.
Trump is facing jail time or will take a plea deal, He will have to stay at Mara-a-Lago and live out his pathetic life.
Ernie Frohlich

‘Humor’ lacks source
To the editor: Regarding the letter headlined "Who's brainwashed?" in the Aug. 16 issue of The Press: Her opening line perfectly set up the ensuing joke by claiming Democrats provide no facts to back up their claims, then regaled us with several paragraphs of attacks on them without citing any sources.
But she really nailed it with her closing on global warming by citing Al Gore's 2006 prediction that temperatures will rise, ice caps will melt, ocean levels will rise, and weather patterns across the globe will be disrupted and then proudly proclaiming that none of this has happened. My sides still hurt from rolling around on the floor laughing.
Linda Detrick-Jaegly


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