Letters To The Editor

Press Readers

Gun ignorance
hurts the country
To the editor: If a troubled, violent armed person enters a crowded restaurant, how many will he kill? All of them. Unless there is an armed customer present to stop him.
The only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. The average person in our society today is ignorant of gun usage, safety, care and handling. This lack of firearm education and experience has led to misunderstandings and a real fear of the unknown. But everyone does understand this real fear. If you hear someone breaking into your house in the middle of the night you make a quick call to the police. Why? Because they will arrive with pistols drawn. You just hope and pray they get there before you are beaten, raped and/or killed.
Think rifles are the problem? Think again. According to FBI statistics for 2019, rifles were involved in 3 percent of homicides, the same percentage as blunt objects. Knives and cutting instruments were involved in 10 percent. Maybe we should consider banning knives. Unending newly-enacted gun rules/laws will not deter deranged, troubled, psychotic individuals.
What to do? There are those among us who lack this understanding and continue their relentless push to turn America away from its core values and the rule of law. Activist judges who reject the true meaning of our nation’s founding documents have been working for decades to re-interpret the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to fit their worldview.
We must never yield our God given right to defend ourselves and our loved ones. We must constantly fight the good fight to preserve our country, our constitution and the Second Amendment freedoms upon which our beloved America was founded.
Greg Bonnell


The Press

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