Letters To The Editor

Press Readers

Parent’s responsible
To the editor: While honoring the 2023 national and state teachers of the year, President Biden quoted a former teacher saying, "There is no such thing as someone else's child. No such thing as someone else's child. Our nation's children are all our children."
No, Mr. President they are not yours nor are they the children of this government. They are the sole responsibility of the parents to whom they belong. The parents get to choose the values they instill, the education they provide, the rules of their household, and the people they want to surround their child with.
This letter is for parents, grandparents, or anyone who has the privilege of being in the position to positively impact a child. We all know life is busy, but just as mama bears protect their cubs, we all better be ready and prepared to defend our right to raise our children how we see fit.
One quick read through the day’s headlines exposes their agenda for our nation’s children. The path the government and society would like to push on our families is terrifying.
Kim Kraemer

Farming advice
To the editor: I have been involved in farming all my life. Lake Erie has had problems as far back as I can remember. In the 70s, the cities blamed the farmers for the nitrogen run-off and the farmers blamed the cities for the phosphate run-off.
Highly leachable phosphate is still used on farm fields, lawns, and gardens. It runs with the water, down the river to the lake.
There should only be 50 cows per farm, and the animals should be raised regenerative organically on multi-crop pastures to produce the highest quality food.
Things you can do to help out the lake:
1. Buy food from small regenerative organic farms.
2. Buy organic grass fed beef.
3. Buy organic pasture raised turkey, chicken, and eggs
3. Stop using chemicals.
4. Stop using leachable fertilizers. Commercial phosphate fertilizer is highly leachable.
5. Do no-till farming including gardens.
6. Use cover crops like buckwheat, radishes, rye or a mixture of things to keep the ground covered year round.
There are at least two sources of phosphate that do not run off. The first is called Soft Rock Phosphate. All 20 percent P205 is available to the plant. It is available from Ohio Earth Food (330-877-9356). The other is Tennessee Brown phosphate. It has 22.7 percent P205 and is available from Crop Services International 800-260-7933.
I have used both with great results.
According to Dr. Arden Anderson, you can grow corn with 40 pounds of nitrogen per acre when you have enough calcium, since it is the calcium that makes the corn grow.
Chris Dietrich


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