Dare To Live Without Limits Week Of 5/23/2022
Enthusiasm is more of a cause than a result
Among the many choices you have is the degree of enthusiasm you inject into your life. At one end of the spectrum are those who drag themselves through each day as if it were a prison sentence. When you greet this type of person and ask how they are doing, a likely response is, "I'm alive." At the other end of the scale are those who reply, "Great."
Your level of enthusiasm is much more important than you might realize. Is enthusiasm a cause or a result? Is a person enthusiastic when and because circumstances are good or do circumstances become good as a result of one's enthusiasm? Too often, people believe enthusiasm is a result. Actually, enthusiasm is much more often a cause.
Good things can and do happen without your influence. But if you are only enthusiastic in response to these chance occurrences, then you are cheating yourself by not harnessing the power of enthusiasm to improve life. Enthusiasm will never do any harm but it will do a lot of good. Enthusiasm generates a force that will impact everything you do.
One of the hardest things to do is be enthusiastic when a situation is not ideal. When you are disappointed by life's twists, turns, and, surprises it's easy to feel dejected. How can you summon up enthusiasm when there is seemingly no reason to feel enthusiastic?
How we feel has much more of an impact on what happens to us than we realize. The key to changing any habit is consistent practice and repetition. Enthusiasm isn't guaranteed to improve every situation so you can't just try it once and then dismiss its effect if you don't get instant results.
In your interpersonal communications, enthusiasm influences your perceived credibility. If you attempt to convey thoughts and ideas with a lackluster delivery, few people will be moved. But someone whose enthusiasm is bubbling over has an extraordinary impact on others. If you have any doubts, think about the type of people who make the biggest impression on you.
Suppose you are looking for a new job. You have had several interviews with no job offers. Now you're on your way to yet another interview. As much as you would like to secure this job, your hopes are not high. With a low level of enthusiasm, you sit down for the interview. There's no smile on your face and you have a troubled expression on your face.
What kind of impression will you make on the interviewer? Granted, your past interview results weren't that exciting, but what are your chances for this job if you are devoid of enthusiasm?
Put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer. Your company wants to hire the best possible person for the position. You have to make a decision between two candidates. The one who is a little more qualified, showed no spark, enthusiasm, or drive. The other applicant could barely sit still. His desire for the job and intent to excel was unmistakable. Who would you hire?
The interviewer doesn't care why one person was enthusiastic and the other wasn't. The significant factor is that an enthusiastic worker typically is more reliable, is more conscientious, and interacts better with coworkers. This is a perfect example of enthusiasm being a cause rather than a result.
To summon enthusiasm, visualize how you would feel if your life were perfect. Before you walk in for a job interview, imagine how you would feel if you were offered the job. Then maintain that same feeling and excitement during the interview.
Act enthusiastic to feel enthusiastic. Think about how you come across to others. Is there a sparkle in your eye, excitement in your voice, and a nice smile and pleasant look on your face? The more enthusiastic you are, the more life will go in your favor.
NOW AVAILABLE: "Dare to Live Without Limits," the book. Visit www.BryanGolden.com or your bookstore. Bryan is a management consultant, motivational speaker, author, and adjunct professor. E-mail Bryan at bryan@columnist.com or write him c/o this paper. 2022 Bryan Golden