Dare To Live Without Limits
Don't say I’ll try , say I will
How often have you heard someone say, "I'll give it a try?" Perhaps you've even said it yourself. We have all been told to try harder. The problem with trying is that it provides a plausible way out if you decide to give up.
Who can fault a person who says, "I gave it my best try but it didn't work." Well, if an individual tried, what more can be asked of them?
There is a big difference between "I'll try" and "I will." To try is to attempt. A person who will do something won't accept failure. They are determined to persist until success is realized.
The person who tries, starts out with some doubt as to the probability of success. They are not fully convinced, beyond any doubt, that what they are attempting will work. This inhibits the individual from doing whatever it takes to be successful. At the first obstacle, they are prone to declare their goal unattainable and give up.
The difference between success and failure is attitude. What appears to be only a slight difference in thought has a major impact on results. By making a minor change to your approach, you will transform your life from one of frustration to one of obtainable goals.
It all starts with a recognition that there is a solution for every problem and a way past every obstacle. This allows you to tap into your inner well of determination before you even start to tackle the situation you are facing.
Tell yourself, "I will succeed. There is a way and I will find it." I can't emphasize enough the role your initial mental state plays in the final outcome you will experience. Before you begin, program into your mind that failure is not an option.
Understand it's normal to experience challenges, obstacles, or adversities. This way, you won't be dismayed when they occur. As you encounter these bumps in the road, always keep focused on your destination.
Other people will encourage you to give up at the first sign of trouble. Although their input is very discouraging, you must not allow them to dissuade you. From these people you will hear every reason imaginable as to why it's OK to abandon your pursuit. The naysayers will always conclude with, "but you gave it your best try."
Nothing was ever accomplished by someone who tried but ultimately gave up. You won't find one person who is remembered for what they attempted. You have to disregard anything that tries to pull you from your destination.
You also need to fend off your own negative thoughts. It's only human for doubt to creep in when the going gets tough. You will get tired, frustrated and irritated. Your enthusiasm will become depleted. Just as you ignore negative comments from others, disregard your internal sentiments as well.
The bottom line is that you only fail when you give up. When you are faced with challenges, bailing out may appear to be the easy route. But abandoning your goals means you won't be living the life you want. Instead, you will then be settling for something less desirable.
If you are not really prepared to go the distance, to do whatever it takes, to overcome all obstacles, don't waste your time by giving something a try. Life is not a lottery where your success is based on luck.
The success you experience is based on your efforts. Be the person who succeeded rather than one who tried.
NOW AVAILABLE: "Dare to Live Without Limits," the book. Visit www.BryanGolden.com or your bookstore. Bryan is a management consultant, motivational speaker, author, and adjunct professor. E-mail Bryan at bryan@columnist.com or write him c/o this paper. 2024 Bryan Golden