Dare To Live Without Limits

Bryan Golden

Thoughts on the loose threads of life

Pull on a loose thread dangling from a carpet and the entire carpet can unravel. Some seemingly small things in life can have the same effect. Left untended they can lead to much greater consequences than imagined.
Human tendency is to ignore small things in order to give our attention to larger issues that have already reached the crisis stage. These emergency situations scream for attention. The minor ones, the loose threads, fall by the wayside. Since they carry no immediate consequences, we feel loose threads can be safely put off.
Many people's lives are in constant crisis mode because they only address those situations that have reached the emergency stage. All of the loose threads they are ignoring will eventually balloon into major situations.
This strategy creates a crisis incubator in which a continual source of minor issues are given time to develop into major situations. Those who experience this phenomenon become frustrated with the seemingly endless flow of serious predicaments requiring resolution.
Although some emergencies can't be predicted or prevented, many can be eliminated by tending to the issues while they are still in the relatively insignificant stage. Solving a problem early takes much less effort than handling it once it becomes overwhelming.
It's interesting how many people don't learn from experience. As many times as neglected minor problems transform into major crises, they refuse to alter their behavior in order to address problems early.
These people constantly complain how life is unfair to them. They act like victims while being convinced the world is against them. They refuse to take responsibility for the direction of their lives.
Since it's easier to fix a problem when it's small, why not do it? Your life will be much less stressful and more manageable. With a small change in behavior, you will experience big rewards.
Start by becoming aware of problems when they first arise. Once you identify an issue, decide what action needs to be taken. If you are not sure what to do, don't just ignore the situation. Keep focused until you formulate a plan.
You may need to seek the advice of someone who has expertise in your area of difficulty. When your car is making a strange noise, talk to a mechanic. If something is bothering you physically, see a doctor. For a legal issue, consult a lawyer.
Other problems can be solved by taking action yourself. Nothing will ever be fixed by worry or anguish. Many of life's problems can be dealt with early on by utilizing common sense. Spending some time evaluating various solutions will often yield the answer you need.
Be cautious about seeking advice from friends and family. Although their advice may be well meaning, it may not be appropriate for your situation. Everyone will have suggestions for you. It's up to you to use discretion in deciding who you listen to.
As you begin to solve problems when they are small, you will start to see a reduction in the number and magnitude of major issues. It won't happen overnight, but it will occur.
Once you get in the habit of early problem resolution, you will wonder why you didn't do it sooner. It takes a lot less effort than dealing with situations when they are out of hand.
You can learn to deal with the loose threads. Don't make any excuses for not doing so. Regardless of your current situation, being proactive will make things better.

NOW AVAILABLE: "Dare to Live Without Limits," the book. Visit www.BryanGolden.com or your bookstore. Bryan is a management consultant, motivational speaker, author, and adjunct professor. E-mail Bryan at bryan@columnist.com or write him c/o this paper.  2024 Bryan Golden


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