Counseling Corner - Small changes can bring added balance and happiness
Do you find yourself getting tired of how life just seems to happen?
Do days seem to be filled with mundane tasks, an unfulfilling job or just the same old thing over and over?
It’s easy to let our lives fall into a rut and realize there are a lot of actions that may seem necessary, but aren’t making us happy. This is when it’s time to take charge of your life and begin moving things in a more positive and satisfying direction.
You don’t have to turn your whole life upside down, but rather start looking for small changes that can leave you feeling better about yourself. Often, this simply means making some decisions that let you see that you really are in charge of the life you’re living.
A good starting point is the physical you. If your looks or physical shape have you unhappy, now – right now – is a good time to make a few small changes. Reconsider your diet, nutrition and physical activity to help you look better, be healthier and feel more positive about yourself. Maybe try new hairstyle or more exciting clothes?
Are there other things you may want to change about yourself? Try taking an inventory of your personal strengths and interests. Are there activities or interests you really would like to be pursuing, but aren’t? Maybe it’s time to do more reading, take an educational course, or begin that hobby you’ve been putting off.
Making a better life for yourself can and should start with small steps that get you on the road to a happier, more satisfied you. Try doing one new daily action that you find gratifying. Maybe it’s making a phone call to an old friend. It might be finding interesting volunteer work to do. It can be something as simple as cleaning out your closet, organizing all those old files, or something more life changing like updating your resume and considering a new line of work.
This can also be a good time to see if there are parts of your life that are out of balance. Is there something or someone taking up an excessive amount of your time without providing enjoyment and fulfillment to your life?
Take some time to examine the life you’re living in detail, then take steps – even small baby steps – that can help you find the balance, enjoyment and happiness you deserve.
“Counseling Corner” is provided by the American Counseling Association. Direct comments and questions to or visit the ACA website at