Clean-up at Luckey site 20% complete, Corps says
The clean-up project at the former Brush Beryllium site near the Village of Luckey is about 20 percent complete, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is estimating.
As of Aug. 16, the Corps said it has removed 34,446 tons of contaminated soil from the site.
Around the middle of August, the 2,000th truckload of material from the clean-up project was transported off-site for disposal, the Corps said.
The results of sampling of groundwater during the spring were consistent with earlier tests. Some on-site wells show contaminant concentrations above the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency maximum contaminant levels for drinking water. An off-site residential well located to the north of the site is not showing any trends for beryllium, lead, or total uranium, and does not contain any site contaminants of concern above the maximums.
The Corps has identified soils contaminated with beryllium, lead, radium-226, thorium-230, uranium-234 and uranium-238 for removal.
Soils which contain radioactive contamination greater than the Corps’ cleanup goals are diverted and loaded directly from an on-site conveyor belt into containers for off-site disposal.
Soils which contain radioactive contamination that meets or is below the goals for radioactive contamination are stacked in 100-cubic yard stockpiles. The stockpiles are then sampled for beryllium, lead, and other contaminants.
Soils which are above the site cleanup goals for beryllium and lead are packaged and transported off-site for disposal.
Soils that meet or are below the site goals for beryllium and lead may be used as backfill in the excavation areas or remain on-site.