Published by news@presspubli... on Fri, 09/04/2020 - 4:00pm
The Lake Township trustees Tuesday approved a letter supporting the intent of the Northwest Ohio Aggregation Coalition to include solar energy into the electric aggregation.
The coalition supplier is Energy Harbor with a rate of 4.57 cents per kilowatt hour through May 2022.
Published by news@presspubli... on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 4:00pm
A 2019 decision by the Ottawa County Common Pleas Court to issue an injunction against the operator of a quarry in Benton Township has been upheld by the Ohio Sixth District Court of Appeals.
Published by news@presspubli... on Mon, 08/24/2020 - 4:25pm
A 1½-acre plot along Corduroy Road in Oregon is a classroom as much as it is a vegetable garden.
For 12 years Prakash Thombre and his wife, Kyrmen, have been growing vegetables on their land where they harvest rare varieties of beans, gourds, grains, leafy vegetables and more.
Published by news@presspubli... on Mon, 08/24/2020 - 4:22pm
County commissioners in Lake and Ottawa counties are urging the state legislature to not repeal House Bill 6 without a “thoroughly vetted and workable” replacement.
Published by news@presspubli... on Mon, 08/24/2020 - 4:02pm
A conviction of a man in Oregon Municipal Court on a domestic violence charge has been reversed on appeal.
Robert F. Gaughan appealed the April 2019 court judgment that included a jail sentence and a $200 fine.
Oregon, Toledo, and the Northwestern Water & Sewer District are among Northwest Ohio entities to receive $82 million in financing in low interest rate funding from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to improve wastewater and drinking water infrastructure and to make other water
Published by news@presspubli... on Fri, 08/14/2020 - 4:00pm
Wood County Common Pleas Court Judge Matthew Reger has issued an order setting Sept. 4 as the deadline for Lake Township and the owner of Woodville Road Nursery to file motions for summary judgment in their legal dispute.