Oregon City Council on Sept. 23 approved a zoning change request to allow for the stabling and pasturing of two horses, one pony, or a donkey on 1261 S. Stadium Road.
The Oregon Planning Commission ion at a recent meeting approved a zoning change to allow outdoor retail sales at 730 S. Stadium Road and 5745 Navarre Avenue.
Oregon City Council recently approved the $459,309.75 contract bid of George Gradel Co., Toledo, to furnish labor, materials and equipment for the West Municipal Complex Site Improvements Project.
OREGON –Theft was reported in the 100 block of Goodrich St. on Sept. 5.
•Breaking and entering, burglary, reported in the 2200 block of Fink St. on Aug. 18
•Breaking and entering, burglary, reported in the 100 block of Goodrich St. on Sept. 5.
Oregon City Council on Monday unanimously voted for a five-year contract with Republic Services of Toledo for refuse and yard waste collection and disposal. It does not include curbside recycling.
Oregon City Council on Monday passed a resolution that requests the Ohio Department of Agriculture to require two proposed Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) permits to require a higher standard to treat and dispose of manure at these facilities.
•Pheriba G. Walker, 2609 Gracewood, Toledo, 180 days Corrections Center of Northwest Ohio (CCNO), 177 days suspended, license suspended one year, $471 court costs and fines, operating a motor vehicle under the influence.
Published by kkaczala on Fri, 09/20/2019 - 10:18pm
Oregon City Council on Monday will vote on a five-year contract with Republic Services of Toledo for refuse and yard waste collection and disposal. It does not include recycling.
Published by kkaczala on Fri, 09/20/2019 - 10:06pm
Oregon City Council on Monday will consider an ordinance that will expand its Energy Special Improvements District (ESID) to include residential properties.
The Oregon Economic Development & Planning Committee on Monday discussed options for the operation of food trucks that would allow vendors to more freely locate in the city to sell their food.