Restoration project in Oregon to improvewater quality in Lake Erie

Kelly J. Kaczala

        Oregon City Council recently accepted the bid of Geddis Paving & Excavating, Inc., Toledo, to be the contractor for the Urban Runoff Capture and Otter Creek Restorations Project.
        On July 11, bids for the project were opened by the Department of Public Service. Geddis Paving & Excavating, Inc., submitted the lowest and best bid of $696,483.
        Urban runoff is rain water that lands on an impervious surface like concrete and asphalt, runs off to the nearest drain, collects pollutants along the way and discharges directly into a ditch or creek like Otter Creek. Common pollutants include sediment, bacteria and nutrients. Otter Creek drains into the Maumee River, which flows into the western basin of Lake Erie.
        The Urban Runoff Capture and Otter Creek Restoration Project will intercept storm water from a 100 percent developed urban and commercial 43-acre watershed and route it to a newly constructed wetland system.  By capturing and treating urban runoff, this project will benefit Otter Creek and the Western Basin of Lake Erie. 
        The project will consist of the construction of a storm water treatment system, storm sewer, parking area, walking path, and associated restoration in the Eastmoreland and Euclid Park subdivisions. Work will take place along Eastvale Drive and in the city-owned parkland at the west end of Eastmoreland Blvd. Landscaping for the storm water treatment wetland includes the installation of native wetlands plugs, trees, shrubs and various floodplain and upland seed mixes..  Invasive species control for 2019-2020 is also part of the contract.
        The project will improve water quality, increase public greenspace by providing passive recreational opportunities in a neighborhood park setting, improve and increase wildlife habitat, reduce stream bank erosion, and increase storm water drainage capacity.
        The city received a $499,977 grant from the U.S. EPA through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative for the project. The funding will be used to pay for part of the construction as well as the engineering and design of the project.      In May, a public meeting was held for residents living near the project area. At the meeting, a presentation was given regarding the design of the project. An informal question and answer session followed. More comments during the meeting were positive towards the project. Residents were in favor of the environmental and recreational benefits the project would provide to the neighborhood.
]       Based on the review of the best bid criteria, project references and work experience, it was recommended that the project construction contract be awarded to Geddis Paving & Excavating Inc. It was one of six bids received by the city, according to Public Service Director Paul Roman.
        Council also entered into a agreement with The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc., Maumee, to provide professional construction engineering Services for the project for $9,375.
        Construction of the project is expected to begin this fall and be completed by next June.


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