Magruder to offer 3D mammography, enhanced DEXA scanning
Magruder Hospital announced the arrival of Genius 3D Mammography exams, and the Horizon bone densitometry system from Hologic for DEXA scans.
In order to prepare for these new services, Magruder’s current mammography and DEXA services will be closed beginning Dec. 28.
Mammography services are planned to reopen Wednesday, Jan. 20 and DEXA services are planned to start again on Tuesday, Jan. 26.
A Genius exam includes both 2D images and tomosynthesis scans. During the tomosynthesis-dimensional portion of the exam, an X-ray arm sweeps in a slight arc over the breast, taking multiple images. A computer then converts the images into a stack of thin layers, allowing the radiologist to review the breast tissue one layer at a time. A Genius exam requires no additional compression and takes just a few seconds longer than a conventional 2D breast cancer screening exam.
The imaging technology of the Horizon DXA system provides a superior image quality with advanced diagnostic tools to support early detection and treatment of osteoporosis. Horizon enables new dimensions in care, including greater insights into biomechanical strength, visualization of calcification in the abdominal aorta that can indicate heart disease, lumbar spine and proximal femur studies, BMD measurements of the entire skeleton, atypical femur fracture (AFF) assessment and many other clinical applications.
For more information about the new technology, contact the Magruder Imaging Department at 419-734-3131 ext. 3435. For an appointment, call Magruder Central Scheduling at 419-301-4330.