Ag Notes Week of 8/03/20
ODA asks public to not plant unsolicited packages of seeds
The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) has been notified that several Ohio residents have received unsolicited packages in the mail containing seeds that appear to have originated from China.
The types of seeds in the packages are currently unknown and may contain invasive plant species. Similar seed packets have been received recently in several other locations across the United States.
ODA urges those who receive packages of this type to not plant these seeds. If they are in sealed packaging, do not open the sealed package.
Report the seeds to ODA online at or contact the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Anti-smuggling Hotline by calling 800-877-3835 or by emailing If possible, retain the original packaging, as that information may be useful to trade compliance officers.
Unsolicited seeds could be invasive species, contain noxious weeds, could introduce diseases to local plants or could be harmful to livestock. Invasive species and noxious weeds can displace native plants and increase costs of food production.
All foreign seeds shipped to the United States should have a phytosanitary certificate which guarantees the seeds meet important requirements.
The latest info regarding this info will be available online at
SWCD offering Cover
Crop Air Seeder for rent
Ottawa Soil & Water Conservation District is offering an Unverferth Rolling Harrow Air Seeder for rent to local farms.
This is the time of the year to plant cover crops on harvested wheat fields and plan for after soybean harvest. Plant them quickly and effectively with the District’s Air Seeder. Last year, eight Ottawa County Farmers planted more than 1,000 acres using this new air seeder.
Cover crops can benefit farmland and profits in many ways. The right cover crops can reduce soil compaction, manage nitrogen and nutrients and reduce soil erosion. Cover crops also help control weeds and increase water-holding capacity of the soil.
The Air Seeder has a 30-foot width and 32 bushel capacity. It is easily pulled by most mid-sized tractors and requires a hydraulic case drain. The seeder works great on worked ground, soybean stubble or short wheat stubble. Farmers can seed cereal rye, annual rye, oats, wheat and more. The rental rate is $5/acre.
For more info or to schedule a time to rent the seeder, call Ottawa Soil & Water Conservation District at 419-898-1595. District staff will provide training and assistance as needed.